I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren,
you did it to me." Matthew 25:40
Scrivner Family
Adopting from Russia!
Cliff and Tina Scrivner are parents to a son and daughter, and wanted to expand
their family by adopting another child. They first tried to adopt through
Oregon's foster-adopt system, but had many possible matches fail to materialize.
They got discouraged after getting their hopes up each month, only to walk away from the
"committee" with no child assigned to them. They heard that
international adoption would assure them of a referral, so they contacted Tree
of Life Adoptions regarding Russian adoption.
Even after obtaining the referral of a cute little Russian girl, she was unexpectedly made unavailable, within months of traveling to meet her. They were heartbroken...once again! But Russia and Tree of Life put them on an expedited schedule for another little girl, so they will be traveling very soon to get her! They are very excited about finally bringing their new child home. Their suddenly expedited travel arrangements have left them in a state of excitement and shock, and they could use help with funds for completing this adoption. If you feel led to help this deserving family pay for these expenses, please send donations to their adoption agency, information listed below. They appreciate whatever you feel you can give toward this worthy cause.
Please keep them in your prayers as they go to Russia to meet and adopt their new daughter. They expect to make the first trip in July, 2005.
Donations may be sent directly to:
Tree of Life Adoption
9570 S.W. Barbur Blvd, Suite 304
Portland, OR 97219
Write, "Donation for Scrivner Family
adoption process," on the check so
that the money will go into the account for their adoption expenses.
Thank you very much for your prayers and assistance!